
Sunday, February 12, 2012

First Oly - recovery continued..

In my previous post, I documented my nutrition and recovery post-race. I was feeling great and happy with (most of) my first Olympic Distance Triathlon. On Wednesday, however, I ran into a little road block and was feeling quite tired and less than my usual motivated self. I must admit, I do still get caught up in comparing myself to others and upon reflection, I now see that this plays more of a role than I first realised in how I feel some days.

I still swam twice on Wednesday (1 pool & 1 open water) and rode 50km and ran 7km on Thursday, so in hindsight, I was probably being a little hard on myself. It's nice to reflect though, and appreciate what I do day-in and day-out. I'm certainly not the fastest, but I am consistent. Training is in my DNA, but I also like to recognise when I need to change the schedule slightly and listen to the way I'm feeling. I took Friday off triathlon and started my day with my favourite hot yoga class. Divine.

With a lot of the Tri Alliance squad away racing or spectating Geelong or Falls, this weekend has also been the perfect chance to catch up on some sleep and train on my own clock. I've really enjoyed the break in the schedule and today, I feel fresh again after a great run session including hill repeats. I'll swim this afternoon and have an early night so I start the week fresh and prepare well for my next race, which is a sprint distance at Elwood in a week's time. My goal now is to stay focused on me, improving against myself and worrying less about others or when I'll get faster or more efficient. Patience is a virtue, as they say... (a big thank you to those in my life who keep reminding me - you know who you are xx)

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